these three figurines are all curled together.

step back

other gecctails

pretty sure I have more geccs lying around somewhere, but these are the others for which Ive come up with a story. so. scott was born in an unspecified town, selena and carter showed up later. carter was abandoned at the edge of the forest, and selena ran away from her home village (... a lot of my stories from that time featured characters running away from home, even though Ive never actually felt the desire to do that? I dunno it was probably something about middle school being terrible). they become friends, scott and carter get together at some point, and scott eventually realizes hes a guy and, well, scott. problem is, his parents are like, hyper-conservative (I dont even think queerphobia is much of a thing in the wof universe, I dunno man I was on some shit back then)

so the three of them come up with a plan to get the hell out of there and set up a hiding spot in the forest where theyre gonna live. it goes well and after some time of healing selena decides she wants to see her old village again, so they all make the journey, but when they get there it turns out the entire village burned down in the years she was gone. they dont find any corpses but it is completely destroyed and no one is there. selena stays there for a bit to process while scott and carter go to his parents he wants to try and sort things out in case something happens to them. at first theyre overjoyed that hes safe but then he comes out to them and it goes to shit, so him and carter book it again. and then the three of them just live in their little found family home for the rest of time. happily ever after or something

a gecctail in shades of green, with leaves growing out of his cheeks. design by chhromeleon


the main guy. pretty sure I came up with this whole thing before I realized I was trans so making him mustve been. interesting

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── a brown striped gecctail with big ears and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. design by chhromeleon


basically already lived in the forest before the Plan, likes to wander and explore a lot. also his tongue is too long for his mouth, making it difficult to talk, so he mostly uses sign language

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── a purple gecctail with white spots and golden floating rings around her body. original designer unknown, redesign by me, art by chhromeleon


sillay. also the reason she left her village was because it was a terrible place to be in for an autistic person. again, this story was very much a way of coping with middle school lol

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